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Career and Technical Education is about doing, creating and innovating. Students in our programs take what they learn and APPLY it to something tangible, like building robots or extracting DNA. Every program is hands on, and every program gives students the foundational skills to move forward in a career pathway.
More about CTE
The National Academic League® motivates and recognizes academic athletes much like their athletic peers. By successfully combining the important aspects of team sports -- such as competitiveness, strategy, teamwork and cooperation in a group effort -- with important aspects of learning -- such as problem solving, critical thinking and scholarship
More about NAL
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support is an instructional approach to discipline, which is used to encourage self-management and problem-solving skills.
More about PBIS
Poston Create
Poston Create utilizes shared ownership of learning between students and staff through arts integration, multi-faceted instruction, and rigorous outcomes; preparing students for high school and beyond.
More About Poston Create
Service Learning
The purpose of MPS Service Learning is to encourage, support, and recognize service learning in all Mesa schools. Our mission is to engage all teachers and their students in meaningful community service experiences that teach and reinforce the curriculum. Mesa Service Learning is a network of teachers, students, administrators, and community organizations whose collaboration builds opportunities for youth service.
It is part of academic and extracurricular programs at all levels of education.
More About Service Learning